Thursday, June 9, 2011

To the Doctors We Go!

Caleb woke up this morning with his temp still at 102. So, we went to the doctors. I usually love our doctor's office and feel like they give great advice, but I have to admit that I don't totally agree today. Our doctor determined that Caleb has a sinus infection and bronchitis. I would agree that he is congested and does have a bad cough, but she totally dismissed his tummy issues. I have a 5 year old who has eaten 2 waffles, 2 apple sauce cups, and a fruit and yogurt parfait from McDonald's since Monday. He also threw up once yesterday and has been in tears because his tummy hurts so much. So, call me crazy, but perhaps he has two things going on at once? Caleb was prescribed antibiotics and we will give that a try. If he still has a fever on Saturday I need to take him back in.

This is terrible timing actually, because my husband and I are supposed to do a weekend getaway and go rafting. I am not calling it off until tomorrow morning when we are supposed to leave. Here is to hoping that he makes a huge recovery tonight!

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