Monday, June 6, 2011

Sleepy Boy

Caleb was in a great mood when I got home from work today. He was very excited to tell me that he gets to take a stuffed bear to school tomorrow. I did verify this information with my mom, who subs in his classroom. The last time Caleb took a stuffed teddy to school it was stuck down his pants. No one found it until he had been to school for over an hour. So, he was worried that I wouldn't believe him.

I needed to run and do a few errands. Of course Caleb wanted to join me. We first went to Marshall's to return a pair of shoes that didn't fit him. He told me he was sleepy and wanted to ride in the cart. I showed him the cart and pointed out how small it was. Caleb insisted so in he went. He fell asleep within a minute of being in the cart. He looked so uncomfy! We went to the grocery store next and he fell asleep in that cart as well. It made for some easy shopping for me. I really hope that he isn't getting sick!

That nap of course perked him right up. He wasn't tired at all at bedtime. Neither was Kendall for that matter. When I announced that it was time to get ready for bed, Kendall responded that she wasn't ready and was busy. She busy spinning in circles. I responded by letting her know that her bedtime story was about to be taken away and she hurried upstairs. Caleb is such a go with the flow type of kid. He really doesn't say no to me. It is amazing how different Kendall is. She is a girl who knows what she wants and when she wants it.

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