Saturday, June 4, 2011

Busy, busy!

We are having such a great time with our out of town relatives. I think my kids are really lucky. On my husband's side of the family they are the two youngest cousins. While on my side of the family they are the oldest. So, they get spoiled and babied on one side and get to be the helper on the other side. We met everyone at the pool. Caleb had a blast this time! He was more trusting and was able to use his life jacket to float and kick around the pool. Kendall made it to the third step when she thought no one was looking. She spent most of the time giggling from the deck.
Today we met up with Caroline one of their younger cousins. Kendall was a totally different girl! She played and was in and out of the lake. She really had a great time! Kendall told me that the lake was like a song on her IPOD...she was looking at the big blue sea! Perhaps we need to make it to an ocean someday, so she can see was the big blue sea really looks like. I think this must be a control issue for my little girl. She did this all on her own terms. She laid down in the water and was floating. It will be interesting to see how she handles swim lessons in a few weeks!
Both of the kids loved playing in the sand. Kendall filled her bucket and dumped it over and over. She also loved pouring water on the sand, although not as much as Caleb. He tried to make a river to the lake with bucket after bucket of water. The kids were exhausted and had a wonderful time!

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