Sunday, May 29, 2011

Rainy Days

It was a dreary and miserable day today. We had severe thunderstorms with torrential downpours. We spent the majority of the day inside because of the weather. This caused boredom to quickly ensue. Caleb decided to play with his hair. He went with the Donald Trump look. I am assuming he got this idea from my husband on a different day. But, he was very proud of this new hair style. We had to have the talk that perhaps this isn't the cutest look for him. We then fixed it and he looked adorable as always.
Later Caleb went with Terry to the doctor's office. Terry's knee has been swelling up massively at night. So, it was time to get it checked out! He is fine, it is just aggravated from the sports that he plays. While they were out, it finally stopped raining! So, Kendall and I adventured out and went puddle jumping. It is so funny going puddle jumping with Kendall because she doesn't like to get wet or dirty. After a few times, she got the hang of it and did become slightly wet. It was so nice being outside after all of the rain. I am hoping that tomorrow will bring us sunshine after two rainy days!

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