Saturday, May 28, 2011

Scavenger Hunt

I love our park district. They always have great activities for the kids to do. This year they are having a local scavenger hunt to encourage everyone to visit the local parks. There are 12 clues you have to find the answers to and 10 parks to go to. So, I thought this would be great for the kids and we started today. First we printed out the map. I always say live and learn. Next year I will be printing out two treasure maps. It was quite coveted and neither wanted to share. It was great to see them looking at the map and trying to read it!

Our first stop was at a local farm owned by the park district. It is run as a 1930's farm. It was very neat! I didn't realize that they had drop by tours. So, we ended up getting a private tour of the farm. The kids got to hold chickens. They also saw sheep, pigs, cows, and horses. We learned how they used to keep the milk cool. We also learned that farm fresh eggs will stay good up to a month without refrigeration. I guess once it is washed this drops to 1-2 weeks.
We also saw tractors that the kids were allowed to climb on. Our guide also let us into all of the barns...even the ones usually not included on the tour because the kids were so interested. We also got a tour of a summer kitchen. We ended up staying at the farm for almost 2 hours. It was so fun!

We then made the second spot at a new nature center. It was hard to find, but fun! There were lots of animals to explore. There was also this handmade wigwam. We were able to read books in there.

After this stop it began to rain. So, we have so more scavenging to do soon. It was a great time!

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