Wednesday, May 25, 2011

End Of Year Teacher Presents

Why oh why do I struggle with this every year! For goodness sakes, I AM a teacher. I have gotten so many presents, and I know that it is truly the thought that counts. I love seeing the excitement of the kids when I open the present with them. This year I finally came up with an idea that I actually like. Instead of a card, I had both kids pick out their favorite book to add to their teacher's classroom collection. Kendall chose Corduroy. I think her Grandma introduced this book to her. Caleb chose Puff the Magic Dragon because Miss Stephanie loves books with songs. Perfect! We wrote a thank you note on the inside cover. I then put a gift card in the book as well because their teachers deserve a night out on me after all of their hard work! Now, I just need to remember this idea next year!

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