Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chores and Fun

Today after school I realized we needed to sweep off the deck. We have two beautiful trees that flower right off of it, and all of the flowers along with some debris had fallen all over the deck. This would not be a huge deal, but everyone uses our sliding glass door to enter the house and frankly I am tired of vacuuming!

So, Caleb and Kendall decided that they wanted to help do chores. Here is Kendall sweeping. The two of them swept while I cleaned up the kitchen. It was great! I still needed to go over it, but they gave it a great start.

After we finished cleaning up, we decided once again to go out and enjoy the weather. Terry loaded both of the kids bikes into his truck along with his fishing poles and we drove over to a fun spot that offered biking, fishing, and a great playground. Caleb is now doing an excellent job on his bicycle. He is so fast and really has great balance. I bet he could do it without his training wheels, but I think we will keep them on a little bit longer. Kendall is doing a better job as well. For a three year old, I think she is doing excellent to tell you the truth. She can now pedal her bike fairly independently. She can also steer, but still prefers me to be right at her side. She needs a bunch more practice, but I think she will get it in a few weeks!

The kids had a great time watching Terry fish. He didn't catch anything, but I think he enjoyed getting out of the house and spending a bit of time with the kids. I know they were happy he was able to come! They were all smiles!

At the end of each day we do some journaling...yup that is totally the teacher in me coming out! Kendall drew her first real person picture. Up until today she was in the scribble stage. She would very deliberately scribble and talk about her great picture. Today Kendall decided to draw a picture of her Aunt Rachel and her cousin Caroline. Caleb had been talking about Rachel because she is pregnant. He has decided that the new baby should be named Meg because that is Hercule's girlfriend. I know a totally legitimate reason to name a baby! So, when Kendall drew Aunt Rachel she first first drew a head then a small circle for a belly. She then quickly decided it needed to be bigger and drew a larger circle. Next she declared that the little circle was the baby in Aunt Rachel's tummy. I then told her to add details such as eyes, ears, nose, hair, arms, and legs. I love it!

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