Sunday, May 22, 2011

Summer Barbeque's

Over the past 4 years we have become very good friends with our first nanny of our kids. Michelle is wonderful and her son Chris is best friends with both of my children. So, even though she is no longer sitting to us (something to do with having twins), we still get together a few times each week. Now that it is summer we have at least one weekly BBQ. It is wonderful to let the kids run and play. She has an awesome backyard that is fenced in. Today they decided to play with the wagon. All three kids piled in then rocked back and forth until the wagon would start to go down the hill. None of the kids figured out that someone needs to steer. So it would go about a foot, spin in a circle. They would then laugh and laugh!

Next they sat down for dinner. The corn on the cob was a huge hit. Each of them ate an entire cob. They must have been very hungry after playing!

Finally, they had some strawberry fruit Popsicles for dessert. It was a fun evening!

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