Friday, May 20, 2011

Picnic at the Park

Terry took Caleb out fishing with Grandpa, so Kendall and I decided to enjoy the beautiful evening. I was the lucky 100th customer at our gas station and won a free pizza. Woohoo! So, Kendall and I ventured out to the new pizza place and ordered our pizza to go. We then headed to the closest park with benches, Rocket Ship Park. The above photo is why it is called rocket ship park.It has this extremely old rocket ship climber. 
By old, I suppose I should say classic. It is pretty neat for kids to climb to the top. It has an old fashioned metal slide that becomes scorching hot during the summer. 

After eating the pizza and playing on the rocket ship, Kendall decided to swing. First she did the Superman....swinging on her belly. Then she wanted to me to push her. She is working on learning how to pump her legs. She did a pretty good job today. I don't think she really went higher, or even sustained her momentum because she didn't have her entire body pumping, but she was getting the idea of putting her legs up and down.

Later Kendall noticed a dedication plaque. Kendall is beginning to recognize letters, especially those in her name. So, she was thrilled to find 3 k's on the sign. She was also able to point out o and e. Not too shabby! I think my favorite part of our evening out occurred was when another little girl arrived at the park. She was probably 6 months younger than Kendall, and spoke only Spanish. Kendall and this little girl hit it off. They played and laughed and played together. They used gestures and with some prompting Kendall said hello and when we left goodbye to her new friend in Spanish. I love how children can see past cultural differences and jump right in and play together. She had a wonderful evening!

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