Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fun with Chores!

Caleb loves to help out with chores. He always has his own way of helping though. Today he helped with laundry. He brought the empty basket to the laundry room by sliding it down each set of stairs. I think if he had it his way, he would have been in the basket as it slid down the stairs. Then he vacuumed up the cat litter that was strewn on the floor as I switched the laundry over. He then decided he wanted to help sort the laundry. He did this by sitting in his laundry basket. I threw laundry at him and he tossed them into the correct basket. There were a few towels and he raced them into the linen closet. He had a blast and we got it done!

After chores we sat down for dinner. Terry and I have been working on the kids serving themselves. Today I served up spaghetti and green beans. I was a little nervous to be honest because the beans had liquid in them and well spaghetti...need I say more! Surprisingly they did a great job getting their own food. Kendall even politely asked me if I wanted green beans and passed the bowl. It was a wonderful dinner. 

After dinner I took Kendall out to teach her how to ride her two wheeler. She was not enthused about this prospect. We went to our local bike trail to practice. Kendall did an okay job. She was very concerned in making certain people knew that she was there, so she rang her bell often...over and over and over the second she saw someone until they passed her. Kendall has pedaling about down. She occasionally brakes when her pedals are both in the middle position and that can be tricky for her, but not too bad. What she does not have down at all is steering. How does one steer while constantly ringing their bell? They don't if you are Kendall. I let her run off the road at one point, but that back fired because it really scared her and she wanted to be done. So, next trip will be focusing on steering. I can't wait until both kids can bike. It should be a fun summer!

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