Tuesday, May 17, 2011

School is fun!

Caleb and Kendall both had great days today at school. Kendall was the star helper in class today. Honestly, I am not positive what exactly that means, but she came home with a huge star sticker on her shirt that she told me she had to keep on. I am guessing that she got to help with calender, be the line leader...that type of thing. She thought it was great!

Caleb also had a great day. He is learning about life cycles at school. They watched the life cycle of a butterfly. Yesterday the butterflies hatched from the cocoons, so today they released them outside. He was ecstatic about it.

Each night we spend a few minutes working on fine motor skills. Caleb draws a picture and tries to add some  writing. He has significant delays with his fine motor skills, so this isn't his favorite.task. I have found that doing this as a routine at the same time each day has helped. We read books in the living room, then we move to Caleb's room to reflect on our day. Today he was super sweet. He wrote that his favorite time of the day is when Mommy comes home. I am going to enjoy this stage while it lasts!

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