Monday, May 16, 2011


My kids love running errands, especially when my husband or I just want to do a quick run. Today our cat needed to go to the vet for her annual check up and shots. Terry decided that he would take the cat in. I planned on staying home and tiding up after dinner. Terry really wanted to go by himself. I have never seen my two children throw on their shoes and race like lightening to the car. Needless to say, they both went to the vet and had a stellar time. Later I asked Caleb why he liked to do errands, especially the boring ones. He told me it is because he loves to spend time with his Mommy and Daddy. sweet. Kendall told me she liked to spend time with her Caleb. haha. If it was Caleb asking she would have said something different.

We had a great evening afterwards. Caleb was exhausted and went to bed early. An amazing feat! Kendall and I took her very full laundry basket of clean clothes and put them away. I put things on hangers, but she did all of the rest by herself. She used a stool to hand up the hangers in her closet. She also put away all of her drawer outfits. I was super proud of her.

We read a very long book that her aunt got her. It was an anthology of Jamie Lee Curtis stories. Each of the stories has a song that goes with them. It was nice to have some one-on-one time with just Kendall. She also went to sleep easily. I wish every night would go as smoothly as tonight did!

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