Sunday, May 15, 2011

Messy Rooms

Messy rooms are interesting things...they come out of no where, yet take forever to clean! The kids had a great time playing in their rooms today. They made tents with blankets, had all of their 'guys' out. It was great to see them playing so well together. Then came bedtime. Caleb actually did a great job cleaning his room. It is always interesting watching him clean up. He pretends to be a gorilla, slithers on the floor and is a snake 'swimming in water', etc. Hilarious. It takes him a bit longer than needed to clean up, but he does it with a smile on his face.

Kendall on the other hand is an avoider of tasks when it comes to cleaning. First she used her beauty tools and did her hair...rollers in, pretend curling iron was used, and hair was brushed. I went in and encouraged her to clean her room. Okay, by encourage I might have said I would take the toys that were left out away. She then told me to throw them all out. Of course I didn't because that is just what she wanted. With lots of tears and complaints her room is now clean. It was a very long hour! Kendall used to keep her room clean at all times. I really wish we could get back to those days!

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