Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kendall's Dance Recital

Kendall had her dance recital this weekend. We had the dress rehearsal yesterday and the recital today. It was pretty cute to see! The recital was held at a local auditorium. They used a white screen and played a slide show behind the dancers. Kendall's dance was to a Tinkerbell song. Nobody told the girls about the slide show. So, of course all 4 girls stared at the screen instead of doing their dance at the recital. So, they had to try again after they watched the show. Very cute! I think Kendall's favorite part was the fact that she got her hair done and wore make-up. My sitter ended up doing her hair, after my disastrous tries!

After the rehearsal we me my brother and parents out for dinner. Kendall loves her Uncle Micah! She sat with him for most of the meal. 

Tonight was the real deal. Kendall had quite the audience...two sets of grandparents, parents, brother, and an aunt and uncle in the audience. She was super excited. I was the helper mom. All of the 3-5 year olds were put into a classroom when they were not dancing on stage. It was interesting. The majority of moms brought crayons, paper, snacks, and a movie. I brought blocks and a bin of princesses, dolls, and doll house furniture. Along with a big bucket of crayons, coloring books, stickers, and construction paper. It really was a hit. My girls really didn't watch the movie at all. They played and played and played. Most of the other girls hung out with me and played with the toys that I brought in. I guess being a kindergarten teacher came in handy. We had a long wait for the finale and I sang songs for about 20 minutes with the little ones as well. The girls had a great time. It was fun seeing new friendships and that all the classes interacted nicely. The girls were adorable on stage. Kendall forgot the dance. It was pretty funny; she would look at another girl see what they were doing. Then she would look shocked. Finally, she hurried up and copied the other girls. There was a lot of laughter in the audience because of her. The girls all thought they did great and did an adorable bow at the end. It was a wonderful time!

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