Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One-on One Time

After school today, Terry decided he wanted to go fishing. I had some errands to run. So, Caleb wanted to come with me and Kendall of course wanted to go with Daddy. Caleb and I went to a party store to pick some more things up for school. I have the kindergarten sing on Friday, and I wanted some cute plates and a table cloth for the occasion. We then headed to Dairy Queen for a special treat. Caleb was so excited. He chose a dilly bar and was surprised that it melted quickly...it was only 90 out! We then went to the park. Caleb did a lap around with his bike. During that time I bumped into a good friend and we were able to catch up a bit which was nice. He then played at the park. This picture was taken right before we went home. He was a stinky sweaty mess! When we got home Caleb took a shower by himself like a big boy...or so he told me. He sang away in the shower and thought it was great! 

Kendall went fishing with Terry and his father, her Grandpa. This was her first time fishing this year, and considering that she is just 3 I doubt that she remembers fishing last summer. She was so excited and told me all about it when she got home. I asked her if she brought any home for dinner. Kendall announced that, that would be disgusting. We should get our fish from a bag at the store. Too funny! 

I think it is great to have that one-on-one time with the kids. Caleb was so well behaved. We had a great time reading books without any distractions from Kendall. Kendall lasted on the boat fishing a lot longer that Caleb ever would have. We definitely don't do this often enough!

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