Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Part 2

Today we went to visit the other Grandma. To differentiate the Grandmas the kids call my mom either Miss Grandma because she is a substitute teacher at Caleb's school or Grandma with Fonzie their old dog. They call this Grandma, Grandma with the crabs because she has hermit crabs. I find it pretty funny and they came up with it themselves. Grandma with the crabs broke her foot in a few different spots this week. Here she is showing off her purple walking cast.

Later this afternoon I took the kids mini golfing. Kendall really doesn't have the patience for it quite yet. So she would walk her ball down to the hole and place it as close to the hole as she could without it falling in. She would then tap the ball in and scream, "I win!" while jumping up and down.

This was Caleb's favorite hole because of the water feature. If you hit the ball into the water you could get a hole in one. After he played the hole he put the ball into the water over and over while waiting for the people ahead of us to finish.

We didn't keep score...although I did get two holes in ones! We had a great time. Afterwards we got treats at the treat stand. Caleb is allergic to wheat, so we don't keep wheat snacks in the house. So, Kendall chose goldfish which is a very special treat for her. Caleb chose ice cream. I got them a water to share...which was not a good idea. I didn't think about the back wash issue and now Caleb has hives. Oops...a bad mom moment, but an overall great day!

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