Monday, May 9, 2011


Today I needed to run to Michael's to pick up some glue on eyes for a school project tomorrow. Caleb chose to bring his teddy bear along. He also decided a few days ago that his teddy bear needs to be buckled in the seat. So, here he is sitting next to his teddy bear. 

Kendall is very proud of how long her legs are and was kicking the back of the seat. She thinks that it is pretty funny! As long as her shoes are not dirty, it doesn't bother me a bit...but obviously she doesn't realize it.

So, we made it to Michael's. The first thing the kids noticed were pails located in a bin outside of the store. They were only $1, and truthfully we need some new ones. So, I told them that if they behave they could have one. Caleb and Kendall each chose a blue pail. We then brought the pails inside. I actually though I was being clever...hands holding pails=hands not touching other things. Boy was I wrong! We went searching though the store for the eyes that I needed to buy. We found them, right next to the big bottles of glitter glue. In the time it took me to reach the eyes there were globs of blue glitter glue all over both of my children. We marched to the bathroom to clean up the best that I could, and the pails were put back into the bins. Of course, tantrums ensued. I think following through is so hard at times, but you just have to do it! So, we left with no pails, a bag of eyes, and glittery shirts.

Next we went to Jersey Mike's for dinner. The kids had some free coupons from an Easter Egg Hunt they attended and it was right around the corner. Kendall chose some chips as a side. We don't buy chips for the house, so she was thrilled!

My husband surprised the kids by meeting us there. Caleb literally fell off of his chair when he saw him. I mean really, he landed on his shoulder with people gasping around us. He jumped up and ran over to Terry. He seemed fine and had full movement of his arm. Perhaps, we should not surprise him like that in the future!

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