Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cranky Day!

Wow, today was a cranky day! I had two kids who were tired and crabby. I didn't get home from work until 4:00. For the following three hours, I dealt with a series of melt downs all evening. Caleb was also in sensory overdrive. He was all over the place, jumping, running, screaming, etc. This would of course get him in trouble because he was either hurting myself, or Kendall, or putting himself in danger. Which would then bring on a huge temper tantrum. I always am curious about what the trigger is that causes these days. Caleb has hives, so that may have played a part. Maybe, the weather? We had thunderstorms going on tonight, so he wasn't able to get out and play. Diet? Sleep? Who knows. But, the cycle of being over excited, then have huge temper tantrums was exhausting. 

Kendall also had a rough day. She was just tired and crabby. from being out late fishing last night. She threw a few big tantrums tonight as well. In Kendall's case, all of her tantrums had to do with her not doing her part, and me following through with the consequence. For example, she chose to play in the sink instead of brushing her teeth and putting her pajamas on. Therefore, she missed out on her bedtime story. That caused a huge tantrum.  Hopefully lesson learned!

Nights like tonight, make me appreciate the happy and calmer days. Both of the kids have finally fallen asleep. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings us. Hopefully a much better day!

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