Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day Part 1

Today we went to Grandma's house to celebrate Mother's Day. It is always fun to see everyone. Caleb was very insistent that he wanted to get Grandma flowers. I had ordered some copies of the pictures that I had posted yesterday for her. So, we headed to Walgreens to pick them up, and then went to the grocery store to pick up veggies for a veggie platter that I shared and flowers. Both kids were very excited. The sang Happy Mother's Day to the tune of Happy Birthday.  
 My kids LOVE their cousins. When I ask Caleb who he loves or who his favorite people are he always says, "Mommy, Daddy, baby Caroline, baby Isaac, and Kendall." Here is a picture of the kids with Aunt Rachel and Baby Caroline. It was about the fifth and best attempt.
Here are Baby Isaac with Caleb and Kendall. They are lounging on the bed for the picture. This actually really helped, since it forced everyone to be a little more still. Caleb and Kendall also played with my parent's next door neighbors. Caleb and his new friend had bike races while Kendall ran. Kendall beat the big boys on bikes 5 times in a row. I never realized what a great runner she is. She was very proud of herself.

On a seperate note, I got a call from Caleb's gymnastic teacher. He attends gymnastics while I am at work with his sitter. When I saw who it was on Caller ID, I braced myself for the worst, thinking what did he do now?!? Boy was I wrong.  He is doing such a good job, they want him to move up to the next level. I am one proud Mommy! Caleb is very proud of himself too.

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