Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mommy's Boy

Caleb has been all about Mommy lately.  It is really so sweet. Today I needed to run a few errands after work, and SURPRISE my husband was home early! So, I didn't need to drag both kids around, but Caleb really wanted to have some 1-on-1 time with me. He was so sweet in the car. Apparently he made a Mother's Day present at school today. This child was the gate keeper of the secret. He wouldn't even give me a clue about the present. He wants it to be a surprise. I am pretty impressed!

You may be wondering what is in Kendall's hair. They are rollers of course. Kendall has her first spring recital coming up in 2 weeks. Her costume is adorable and she is very excited. The only problem is that they want the girls hair curly and the front part pulled up. The interesting thing is that Kendall's hair actually has a bit of curl to it...curly in spots, wavy in spots, and straight in spots. It is pretty much a nightmare in my opinion. I think her hair looks best pulled back. So, we have been trying each night a new way to curl her hair. Tonight she actually agreed to sleep in rollers. I have NO idea how this is going to turn out. I mean, really what 3 year old will keep their hair in rollers all night? How uncomfy! Even if she does keep them in, who knows how this is going to even look in the morning. I guess I just have to wait and see what happens.

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