Saturday, May 7, 2011

Photo Shoots

So, today we went to my good friend's house to have dinner. She is amazing, and has started a photography business. She offered to take pictures of my kiddos for mother's day, and of course I had to say yes please, and thank you! Unfortunately, as with kids nothing goes as planned. 
We are having such a hard time with Caleb and his skin rashes. They are of course all over his face right now because of his allergies. He also had a few big scratches on his face. I actually think that Michelle did a wonderful job photo shopping this. But, this adorable smile is only in pictures where Caleb held his bear. He is missing his top lip in every other picture. 

Here Kendall is smelling tulips. But, she also had an allergic reaction. Do you see her eye? It swelled up, was red, and puffy. This is photo shopped and it looked much worse in real life...especially after the multiple melt downs that she had this day!

Here you can see the missing upper lip...Really, what is up with this!?!

I think this was the best picture of all. It was actually take while they were playing.

Here is the best picture of Kendall. All in all, not terrible, but not my favorites. I should add that Michelle has taken my favorite all time picture of  the kids.

Here it is. This is a terribly hard act to follow. I printed this on a huge canvas and it is hanging in my living room. I adore it. I feel like we are always going to be trying to top this one. I wonder if we can make it happen!

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