Monday, May 2, 2011


We went to my school today to visit the hatching chicks. This is my first year having chicks in my classroom and I wanted to check and see how they were doing. I am up to three  chicks. Now, I am not a huge animal person. So, I was pretty proud of myself that I actually touched the chicks and moved them from the incubator to the brooder box. I gave my kids the opportunity to hold the chicks. Caleb wanted to cuddle the chick when we talked about it, but when I gave him the chance he wanted help. He was happy petting the chick and observing it. Kendall, on the other hand, is a girl of my own heart. She wanted nothing to do with the chicks. This picture was taken right after Kendall touched the chick...and shockingly it moved. We finished the day playing on the playground. Another fun day at our house!

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