Friday, May 27, 2011

Uncle Micah

I can't believe how much it has cooled off! We were sweating last week and in sweaters today. This didn't stop us from going for a bike ride and playing at the park for an hour. My brother was coming over for dinner and the kids were very excited! I figured I would get some of their excess energy out before he came over.

Dinner took longer than expected and we didn't eat until 7:00. This made for some crabby children! I felt bad for Uncle Micah! The kids were so excited to see him, but were pretty emotional. We had a yummy dinner of chicken marsala and salad.

Micah had to sit at the end of the table right between both of them. After dinner we tried to watch a movie, but the DVD player was broken. So, Micah and I ran to the store and picked up a new one. We raced in and out as quick as can be. Micah then watched a movie with them until bedtime. The kids were disappointed that he didn't spend the night. Maybe next time!

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