Saturday, October 8, 2011

Caleb Meets Tessa

Happy Saturday! We started the day at gymnastics. Kendall was so excited about her new leotard. Unfortunately, it kept riding up her entire class. SO, for now on it will be paired with a pair of shorts. She of course is young enough to not care. It is a very sparkly leo though and she loves it!
Next, I took Caleb to meet Tessa. Kendall stayed home because she has a cough and we didn't want the baby to get sick. Caleb was all smiles and very excited.
Caleb was so sweet with Tessa. He held her quite a few times throughout the day. Caleb gave her lots of hugs and kisses as well. At one point he was working on a coloring book with Caroline. It said to draw a picture of your best friend and he drew Tessa. Too sweet!
At first there were a lot of nervous hands helping him. Then he got it and was very responsible. It was nice to be able to trust him with Tessa. When Caroline was napping Caleb laid down to watch tv. Rachel put Tessa down for a nap in her swing in the same room. So, Caleb got to watch her at the same time and let us know when she woke up. He was thrilled and proud of the responsibility.
At the end of the day, Caleb was exhausted! He fell asleep immediately in the car. I guess playing with Caroline wore him out. He was so good and helpful today. It is nice to see his growing maturity. When I asked when we should go back and help again he smiled and said tomorrow. We'll see!

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