Monday, October 3, 2011

Sydney's Birthday

Kendall was invited to her first birthday party. She was super excited. We decided to burn off some energy and walk. I should have mapquested it first. What I was guessing a mile, ended up being more like 2. Kendall was a bit tired at the end and needed some prodding, but she walked the whole way!

She had a wonderful time at the party. I am thrilled that Kendall is meeting new friends at school, and she is TALKING this year at school! YEAH! She loves school and this is such a positive change compared to last year.

Caleb, was devastated that he wasn't invited to the party. It was a first for him. Kendall has been in his shoes where he was invited to a party, and she wasn't. It is a hard thing for them to be split apart, but it is a good lesson for them that it is okay to have different friends and interests. Hopefully, he will take it better next time!

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