Monday, October 3, 2011

Corner Bakery

I took Kendall to Corner Bakery today for a special treat. Well, this was Kendall's first and last trip here. We didn't see the kids menu, so I asked what they had and the nice cashier told us. Kendall ordered a grilled cheese sandwich, carrots, a juice, and a cookie. They asked me white or wheat bread, and I of course said wheat. We went to find a seat, and Kendall found a kids menu and crayons. Yeah! So, we grabbed them and sat down. I have to give Corner Bakery props for putting calorie counts right on the kids menu. Panera does this as well, and I think it is a great thing. You can make informed decisions about what you are consuming. Unfortunately, the calorie counts for Corner Bakery kid's menu were terrible to say the least.

Grilled Cheese Sandwich: 620
Carrots: 30
Juice: 100
Cookie: 340

For a grand total of 1,090 calories.

Well, the daily recommended calories for preschoolers is 1,200 calories. Crazy right! It gets worse. If she had ordered a peanut butter and jelly on wheat, chips, juice, and a cookie the total calories would be 1,400 calories...200 more than she would have needed to eat for an entire day. Kendall and I split the cookie, and she didn't finish her grilled cheese. So, her actual intake was much less.

Now, I will say that they did offer a turkey sandwich with 400 calories. It still would have added up to a bunch, but would have been more reasonable.

I thought I was giving her a healthy alternative to McDonalds, Her typical meal of chicken nuggets, 1/2 of a small fries (we split), apples (no dip), and a chocolate milk would have landed her with 510 calories, or less than 1/2 of what was in the above kids meal.

Now with this rant, please realize that I do not actually count Kendall's calories. She is at a very healthy weight. We do typically have just healthy food and snacks in the house, but she is able to help herself to a snack if she is hungry. I honestly don't worry about it. But, there are plenty of individuals who do have to worry about this. And I find it appalling that these items would even be offered on a kids menu.

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