Monday, October 3, 2011

Renegade Cantaloupe

So, our typical morning routine involves me getting the kids up, dressed, and getting their breakfast. They then typically watch tv while they eat and I get ready. Well, last week Caleb had a rough time at school due to being stuck inside because of rainy weather. So, he lost tv. Well, while I was getting ready I heard the kids giggling and talking. I thought, wow this is going so much better than I expected. I finished getting ready an went downstairs to clean up breakfast, so that we could leave. There sitting at our island were the kids holding a cut up cantaloupe. My first thought was OMG where is the knife? Is there any blood??? I quickly saw the butter knife and realized that at least Caleb made one good decision. He was so proud of himself. I told him that this was very messy, and knives are dangerous. So, next time please ask. I think cut up 1/2 of the cantaloupe which they ate for breakfast. I put the other half of the cantaloupe in a zip-lock bag and tossed it in the fridge. We then grabbed backpacks and headed for school.

So, the day went on like normal, until we went to pack up lunch for the following day. I knew there was something going on when I opened up Caleb's backpack and smelled the sweet smell of cantaloupe. Yup, my son snuck the cantaloupe into his backpack and took it to school. There was a spork sticking out of it, so he obviously brought it to lunch with him. I can just imagine what the lunch supervisors must think of me.

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