Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Norton Farm Field Trip with Caleb

Today Caleb had a field trip to Norton Farm. He was so excited. I am not sure what he was more excited about...the trip or the bus ride. He really wanted to sit next to Aria on the bus. So, we prepped the night before and discussed how he should stand by Aria in line to help out with that. They walked off the bus together all smiles. Caleb immediately ran up and held my hand. It was very sweet.
First the kids went into the barn to hear the gourd talk by Mrs. Norton. I have been on the field trip at least 10 times and she does the same talk. It is great and the kids love her, but I bet I could do the talk myself!
Next the kids went to the corn maze. By went through, I really meant run full speed ahead. Caleb was so proud when he came out. Then he ran right back in it for time two.
Everyone lined up for the tractor ride next! Aria and Caleb had to stand by each other. It is sweet what great friends they have become!
We then went to the pumpkin patch. Well, I realize that they call it a patch, but really it is a patch of grass with pumpkins, gourds, and indian corn strewn upon it.
Here is Aria and Caleb showing off their bags of goodies.
Misha is another one of Caleb's new friends and he wanted a picture with Caleb as well.
Finally the kids had a chance to play in the hollow. Caleb, Misha, and Steven played in the hay house.
It was a little piece of boy heaven. I have to say I didn't like getting the straw thrown on me though! The boys were full of smiles and laughter.
At the end of the trip they took a class picture. What a beautiful day and a fun trip!

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