Monday, October 10, 2011

Scarecrow Fest and Wheeler Park

What a wonderful weekend. The sun was shining and it was unseasonably warm. So, we decided to head outside on Sunday to enjoy the weather.
We went to Wheeler Park. Terry was there playing Frisbee golf with some of his buddies. The kids spent their time playing on the playground and on the huge trees in the park.
The trees were the biggest hit. The kids spent over an hour playing on the roots, climbing up and down, and creating adventures. They were also being hams for the camera, so I took full advantage!
Kendall loved climbing up and down on the big tree roots. It really is very interesting. There are spots where the kids could climb on it and other spots where they can climb under the roots.
I love that the kids were posing. Hands on hips, hugging a tree, so cute!

Kendall also liked climbing on this huge stump. The kids got along so well today too.
The big kid swings were all taken, so the kids wanted to be pushed on the baby swings. Kendall loved that she could go extra high. I had each of them in adjacent swings and I stood in the middle. It reminded me of a few years ago. We used to spend hours at the baby swings...both kids contained and happy!
Caleb didn't actually fit in the swing, so he sat on top of it. He thought it was hilarious!
Earlier in the day we went to the scarecrow fest. It was SO crowded! The person ahead of us had to take a picture of her kids at every single scarecrow. So, it took a long time to walk the circle of scarecrows. Caleb told me that he wants to enter next year and make Scooby and the Gang. I volunteered Terry to help him.

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