Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Frisbee Golf

Terry and I were both home by 4:30. That NEVER happens. The weather was also beautiful...75 and sunny. So, we knew an early dinner and fun times outside was in store for us this evening.
Terry suggested that we try Frisbee golf with the kids. I have to say I was a little skeptical. Terry took the kids on Monday and ended up with a concussion. Yup...only my husband could get a concussion from a no contact sport. While Terry was fishing out Frisbees from a marshy area, Caleb was tossing rocks into the wanter and nailed Terry in the head.
We decided to risk injury again and go out. Caleb has a great Frisbee arm. He could throw the Frisbee as far as me when he concentrated. I was really impressed! I thought for my first time I did pretty well.
When Caleb threw the frisbee farther than Terry he thought he was pretty hot stuff. Nothing like having a bit of an ego.
Kendall had fun as well. There was no good place for everyone to stand when it was Kendall's turn because there was no telling which direction that Frisbee was going to fly. Forward, backwards, sideways...never far though! There was lots of smiles and giggles all around. What a fun afternoon!

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