Saturday, July 2, 2011

Home Depot

Today was another home depot project day. The kids were actually having a blast playing with their toys that I had to drag them away to go. I ended up not giving them a choice when their playing included filling our play kitchen's sink with water. This month the project was making coasters and a coaster holder. It was actually a little trickier than the left project because the pieces were small, but we got them made! Caleb looked adorable wearing his apron. Kendall refused to wear hers because she is nervous about the pins.
We then headed to Michael's to make our next craft. We are really on a roll with these crafts! Today's crafts were a dream catcher and a flag pin. It required the kids to do lots of beading, which was wonderful fine motor skills! Caleb did great, but Kendall was about ready for a nap at that point, so she was a little crabby.
After nap time we headed to Uncle Sticks house to hang out for a bit. The kids decided to give their coaster to Ken and Jackie. I thought it was pretty nice of them! We ended the night watching one of the Star Wars movies. It was another great day!

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