Thursday, June 30, 2011

Rx Cafe

This morning we went back to Michael's to do their Canada project. The kids were very surprised to see Terry waiting for us! The kids got to make a moose. It was a very cute, but messy craft. They got to paint, and wow it is amazing how the kids can get the paint EVERYWHERE! They had to paint a round cork, and it went flying out of Kendall's hand multiple times. She got brown paint on her arms, legs, the chair, and the floor. It makes me thankful that the crafts are not at my house.
After Michael's we tried out Rx Cafe for the first time. There was this really neat adjacent room for kids. We were able to see them from our table, and this cozy nook had great books and toys for the children to play with while they were waiting for their food. It was heavenly, no fighting, just happy smiles all around!
The food was really good as well. It was refreshing to see a children's menu that didn't include french fries and cheeseburgers. Caleb ended up having a bbq chicken skewer, while Kendall had a turkey and swiss melt. Both were very yummy! It was served up with carrots, and raisins. Terry and I ordered a variety of tapas to share. My only complaint was that the only drink they had for the kids was lemonade or water. I would have preferred milk for lunch time, but they were out of milk and juice. We will definitely going back again!
I love that Caleb and Kendall planned matching outfits together. It was actually Caleb's idea, he wanted to get their picture taken together. This was a pretty fountain outside of the restaurant. I can't believe they both smiled for me. Yeah!

We ended the day with swim lessons. The kids had fun, but they would have kept swimming if I had let them. They are really enjoying their pool time!

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