Friday, July 1, 2011

Great America

Caleb and I had a fabulous day today at Great America. I was nervous after we went on the first ride...the carousel. Caleb chose to sit in a chair instead of on a horse because they were scary. Yikes...I was really worried that he wouldn't go on any rides. So, I forced him on the second ride to prove to him that he will and did survive! He had a morbid look on his face during the entire ride, but was all smiles when we got off. Phew! That could have backfired!
So, we made it on a few rides then his the raging rapids...the one with the raft. Caleb and Julia loved the ride. We hit the bathrooms afterwards. This is when I discovered that Caleb thought that not one, but three pairs of undies would be the perfect amount to wear. Hilarious.
Caleb and Julia found Shaggy from a mile away...ok maybe a slight exaggeration! After they found him they were on the search for other Scooby characters. They were thrilled to later find the mystery machine ride. It was actually pretty lame and VERY hot, but they loved it because they both love all things Scooby!
The little kid areas were definitely Caleb's favorite areas. They had very tame little kid friendly rides. There was also slides and a sprinkler area. I wasn't thrilled to see the two put together as Caleb went flying out of the slides.
At the end of the day I asked Caleb which ride he liked the best. He said it was the pink tea cups. I found it amusing that the ride he didn't like was the big/adult size tea cups. He said they were way to scary! Overall we had an awesome day. It was wonderful to get so much one on one time with Caleb!

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