Sunday, June 26, 2011

Swedish Days

Today we met Michelle, Christopher, and the twins at the Swedish Day's Parade. This was the first time that I have taken the kids to this parade and I was pretty surprised. The parade was very long...over 2 hours. It had some great acts in it, including some tumbling troops. The kids really enjoyed it. They did not actually sit through the entire parade because it was so long, but they had fun eating a picnic lunch, and watching parts of it while playing with each other.
Kendall has been pretty frustrating lately. Whenever we get anywhere she has to go potty. I always remind her before we leave the house, but it typically does not make much of a difference. I think she just has the need to check out every bathroom in town. Unfortunately, this also includes port-a-potties. Ewww!
After the parade, we headed home and Kendall took a nap. Caleb was filthy, so he hopped into the shower. He now likes to shower on his own. I just give his hair an extra rinse to make certain the soap is out of it. His new thing is singing in the shower. It is pretty funny! All of his songs are Caleb originals. If he had his choice, he would sing in the shower until the hot water ran out.

Later, we went to Michelle's house for a barbecue. The kids had a great time. Terry met us there and took time to pull the kids around in the wagon. Their favorite part was going down the hill by themselves. It was a gorgeous evening!

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