Monday, June 27, 2011


We had another fun day. We went to Barnes and Noble story hour. The helper read Pete the Cat, which is a favorite of ours. I wish that she would have watched the authors on youtube tell the story so that the song part was correct. But, the kids enjoyed it!

We then went home for nap time. As you can see above, nap time was quite unsuccessful. Neither of the kids wanted anything to do with naps and both played quietly in their rooms.

We then spent over 2 hours at our local pool. The kids had a great time and Caleb was swimming! He floated on his back, and swam 8 feet to me over and over. I was really proud of him and he was supper excited!

Terry stayed back and cooked a yummy dinner, that Kendall did not get to enjoy. I think both kids should sleep well tonight!

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