Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hanging Out With Rachael

Yesterday we started the day by cleaning our house. I try to always get the kids involved in cleaning. Caleb loves to vacuum. I always need to go over it again, since he misses spots, but he gives it his best try!Kendall's favorite is dusting and cleaning the windows. I spray for her and she goes through and wipes it all up. Kendall, actually does a great job and when she is done, the job is done. It makes cleaning go so much faster, plus we have fun at the same time!

Next, we went and got Caleb's hair cut. He did a great job and sat very still. I don't love the cut, it turned out a little like a bowl cut. He loves it though!
We then picked up Rachael and went to Michael's for their craft. We went to the Bahamas and made cup holders. They turned out really cute!
Kendall and Rachael made jungle scenes while Caleb made an ocean scene. It was great fine motor practice, with cutting and pulling off the sticker backings. If you haven't tried this out should! Typically it is free, today's craft only cost .66 per kid.
We then went dog walking. Rachael is making some extra money walking the neighbor's dogs each day. So Kendall and I walked one dog while Caleb and Rachael walked another. Kendall really wanted to be the boss of the dog, and was very stern with Jasmine. Jasmine listened fairly well.
While Rachael was getting her swim gear on, Caleb played the piano. He always looks forward to playing when he visits Rachael's house.

We ended the day swimming and swimming...first playing in the water then swim lessons. Fun times! Rachael was a great helper.

Today I spent the day in the hospital. Isaac does in fact have brain cancer. It was a sad day for his family. The good news is it is curable. I am going to focus on that fact and I know that he has a long road ahead, but I know he will persevere.

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