Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kendall is Still Sick & Crazy Hair Day Fun

 Kendall is still not feeling well. Terry stayed home from school with her this day, so he cooked dinner. Yum! Kendall only chose to eat asparagus with blue cheese. I think that is such a funny choice when you are sick. Not, that any of the food was probably too appetizing for her...but she ate all of her asparagus, most of mine, all of the leftovers, and any extra blue cheese that she could get her hands on.
Caleb had crazy hair day at school so we did a faux-hawk. He thought it was awesome. It felt very nasty because of all of the gel that I used on it. It also showed off his hairline. Takes after his dad, poor boy! I had to redo his hair before we left for school, because Caleb kept doing forward rolls with his hair doo.

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