Saturday, March 31, 2012

Caleb's 6th Birthday Party

 Caleb had a blast at his birthday party today! He decided to have a reptile party at Hickory Knolls Discovery Center. We set up for the party and had about 5 minutes to spare. So, Caleb found all of the skulls. He thought this one looked like Terry. The party was a great set up. The kids trickled in, as they always do, and were able to look at all of the animal exhibits as they waited for the party to begin.
 The first animal that the kids got to see was a corn snake. Caleb was so enthusiastic sharing all that he knows about snakes such as, some spit poison, others are so big they can squeeze a person to death, and they all shed their skin. He happily held the snake and watched it slither up his arms.
 Next they saw a box turtle. Caleb and Kendall made lots of connections their turtle, and our pet turtle Rocky. I learned that you can tell if a turtle is a girl by it having a flat smooth bottom shell, a small tail, and female turtles never have red eyes. Caleb was scared of the claws of the turtle, so he was to scared to hold it. I found that interesting, because when we first got Rocky, he was happy to take Rocky out of his cage, and let him wander our house.
 Tessa happily slept through the majority of the party, but she did look adorable with the bright flower in her hair!
 Next, they took out their very active lizard. Ms. Pam told a story about how at the last party, she had to go home and change her clothes after she held this lizard. Needless to say, Caleb decided against holding it. Pam had the lizard eat lettuce off the carpet. The kids were fascinated by it.

 Next, we moved into another room and saw a small snake eat a worm. Most of the boys there proclaimed that they liked to eat worms too, just like the snake. The kids were amazed how the snake could eat the worm, that was close to its size, and how it swallowed it whole.
 It was then time for relay races. The kids got to pretend they were snakes and slithered on their bellies, not using their arms or legs. It was hilarious to watch. Ellie really wanted to take every one's gummy bears, which sped Caleb up quite a bit!
 From the moment we started to have birthday talks, Caleb brought up the fact that he wanted to have a wheat free cake to share with his friends. This was tricky for me, because I get why he would want that, but most kids won't eat the wheat free cake due to the fact that it has a different consistency then what they are used to. So, we decided on an ice cream cake. Dairy Queen made us an ice cream cake without cake. Yes, that does make it just ice cream, but it did look like a cake.They added a triceratops to the top and Caleb was very content.
Caleb was all smiles when everyone sang a horrible rendition of happy birthday. The kids all helped Caleb open his presents, which means many thank you cards will be saying, thank you for the lovely gift. The kids did have fun opening the presents, and Caleb did not mind at all. The goody bags with Ken's dinosaur cookies were a huge hit. It was a great afternoon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pretty and beautiful as well! Kids need some games, snacks, soft drinks, chocolates, dance, candies and pies to have a lovely birthday. And how can I forget the cake. My daughter looked like a adorable doll on her fifth birthday party. One of the best rental spaces for parties was booked by my husband and all other preparations done were also praiseworthy.