Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fun at the Park

Michelle invited us to the park, so we decided to meet her there after lunch. We went to Munhall, which is in walking distance of our house. Caleb decided to bike, and Kendall chose to walk with me. We stopped by Avery and Colin's house to invite them as well. The kids had a blast racing around and playing.

 Christopher and Caleb sometimes act like siblings. They were playing very well at the beginning, then they were have a very hard time together. Finally, they got back into the grove of things and ended on a high note.
 Avery's dad brought a kite, and so we flew kites the first time this spring. It was COLD out though because it was such a windy day. Caleb and Kendall were both excited that they were able to get the kite to fly!
Kendall was exhausted by the time we were done. Everyone was cold, and it was definitely time to walk home. Once we arrived, Kendall snuggled up with me under a blanket and promptly fell asleep. So sweet! I don't think this will happen too many more times.

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