Tuesday, December 27, 2011

On the Third Night of Hanukkah

 We had a blast all day. The kids had a play date in the morning at jump zone. Kendall met her buddy Wylder there and Caleb met Aria there. They were all smiles. Wylder was adorable and followed Kendall around while trying to propose to her. Caleb and Aria ran and ran!
 My kids do crack me up though, because they still love the baby area at jump zone. We were there for about 2.5 hours and at least 1 hour of it was spent in that little house in the background or on the plane. They are so goofy!
 Caleb did have fun flying down the big slides as well. He was not happy that I said no to head first.
Later we celebrated Hanukkah. It was Caleb's turn to light the menorah. He loves this part of the evening. 
 Today Caleb got a trio batman toy. He had fun building the car then playing with it. Caleb's room is officially bursting with toys. We are very fortunate!
Kendall loved her toy as well. She got a puppy spa. It was VERY cute. She got to decorate the spa by coloring stickers and applying them. She also go to put rhinestones on the bed. The puppy came with quite a few accessories as well. I think my favorite part of Hanukkah is having time to enjoy the presents each night.

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