Tuesday, December 27, 2011

On the Fifth Night of Hanukkah

My Uncle Andy and family came to town for a few days. They were not able to make it to our Thanksgiving like normal, so it was great to see them. It was also nice to get all of the cousins together two weeks in a row. Caleb had fun playing with the Thomas Train with Isaac. Isaac LOVES trains! The second he gets to Grandma's house he screams choo choo and runs to the train table.
  Kendall was so excited to see Amy. They were all smiles. For kids who only see each other once a year, they love each other and are so excited to play together!
 My mom pulled out the IPAD and all of the grandkids (minus Tessa and Ira) gathered around it to listen to a book. I have to say, that the IPAD is such an engaging toy for the kids.
We got home VERY late. I had assumed we would just do Hanukkah in the morning because the kids fell asleep in the car. Nope, neither wanted any part of that! The second we got home, they woke up and excitedly shouted let's get the Menorah.We bought new candles from Crate and Barrel. Kendall chose a pattern of purple and blue candles, her favorite colors! 
 Tonight Kendall got Hello Kitty jammies. She stripped down in the kitchen and immediately put them on. I bought her a size 4/5, and it barely fits. I really should have gotten her a 6/6x. Too late now though!
Caleb got the action figure Thor to add to his guys. One of his favorite movies is Percy Jackson, so this sort of went along with it. He seemed to really like it as well. Somehow, we made it through the day without painting the volcano. We will need to paint it in the morning! I cannot believe I didn't have a riot on my hands.

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