Tuesday, December 27, 2011

On the Fourth Night of Hanukkah

 It was Kendall's turn to light the candles. Taking pictures each day ended up being very helpful. The kids were arguing whose turn it was to light the candles. I was able to show them last night's picture. Disagreement solved!
 Today Kendall got a princess activity book and Caleb received a build your own volcano. The princess activity book was quickly set aside because both kids wanted to jump in and build the volcano.
After we put the base together, Caleb and Kendall had to sit and watch as I threaded the volcano frame. Caleb of course had already tried to help with the thread, so it was a tangled mess. After a bit of frustration the frame came together nicely.
Then the messy fun began. We paper machied  the volcano. Both kids had so much fun dipping the fabric pieces into water and sticking them onto the frame. It took a bunch of modeling on my part, so that there pieces didn't become a ball that I had to unwad. But, we did it! I am pretty proud of the three of us! Now we have to wait for it to dry, so we can paint the volcano. This is a fun project!

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