Thursday, December 22, 2011

On the Second Night of Hanukkah...

 The second the sun set, the kids had the candles out and were ready to celebrate Hanukkah again. Kendall was very excited that it was her turn to light the candles. I think they feel very 'big' being able to light the candles themselves. We are still working on lighting them right to left though!
 Kendall chose one of her biggest presents. No surprises there. She raced back into the kitchen with it, and started unwrapping it. She was thrilled to find a princess pop-up tent. She is at such a cute stage of loving everything princess.
 Caleb found a great present as well. He ended up getting some sort of car/spaceship thing that shoots weapons. Yup a 5 year old's dream present. They both had a lot of fun playing with their new toys in Kendall's new tent. I love how appreciative they were about their presents. Kendall's quote was, "That is what I always wanted!"

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