Monday, December 19, 2011

Pneumonia AGAIN

Caleb had a pretty nasty allergic reaction last Friday. He has had some tummy troubles ever since. So, I made a doctor's appointment and took a half day on Wednesday. When he woke up Wednesday morning he complained that his belly hurt. He also told me he was too sick to go to school. As a teacher, it is hard to take off. You have to go in and do sub plans. Knowing that I was pulling him out of school, I had a 'bad mom' moment and told him to call me at school if he gets worse, but to give school a try.

Well, the nurse called at 11:30 saying that he needed to be picked up. His stomach was hurting so much that he refused to eat. He didn't have a temp, but she was worried he was going to get sick. So, I left work slightly earlier than anticipated and picked him up. He promptly fell asleep, and I had to wake him up for the doctor's appointment. That was when I realized that he had spiked a high fever. It ended up being pneumonia again. Wednesday night and all day Thursday was very rough for him. Caleb woke up feeling much better on Friday, but his fever returned that afternoon. I felt bad, because he ended up missing our Hanukkah celebration with my side of the family on Saturday. Caleb had a good attitude about it though. Poor boy, pneumonia and allergy issues at the same time. I hope we stay germ free for awhile now!!!

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