Tuesday, December 20, 2011

On the First Night of Hanukkah

The kids were so excited about celebrating Hanukkah this year. I love that when I asked Caleb to get the candles, he remembered that he needed 2. One for the first night and the helper candle. Caleb got to light the candles tonight. We then opened presents. Kendall got a barbie, that apparently she already had. Oops! She decided that 2 was better than one though. Caleb received dinosaur jammies. He stripped right down and put them on. I love how appreciative he is. 

Today I also got to spend the day with my sister, mom, and my two adorable nieces. Caroline and Caleb have Scooby Doo in common. Caroline lugged her toy Scooby Doo everywhere we went. So cute! We had a low key and fun day. I am enjoying spending all of this extra time with my kids over break!

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