Sunday, October 30, 2011

Symphony and Frisbee Golf

My dad took Caleb to the symphony yesterday. The symphony puts on youth shows a few times throughout the year. The kids get to do different activities and then they listen to the symphony while the conductor explains what is happening. Caleb loves classical music. If I flip through radio stations and a classical song is playing he always asks me to stop. My dad also has a love for classical music, so it is wonderful that the two of them can share that together!
Caleb got to conduct, play a violin, trumpet, cello, flute, and snare drum. He of course liked playing the drum the best. Terry told Caleb that his first instrument will be the piano if he wants to play. I am not sure time wise how we can add that activity to our already very busy schedule.
While Caleb was at the symphony Terry and I decided to enjoy the warm sunshine. I can't believe what a great October this has ended up being. We only had to wear coats a few times. So, Jeff came over and we all went to play Frisbee golf. Kendall went as well. She gets her playing abilities from me. Luckily she has a great attitude while playing and knows it is just for fun. After one round she was done playing. Terry and Jeff decided to play another round, so Kendall and I headed off for the playground. She was being a ham and loved the 1-on-1 time with me. It was another fun day!

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