Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sandwiches for Dinner!

Meijer's is now carrying Udi products...which are frozen wheat free products. They have bagels, bread, pizza crusts, and hamburger rolls. So, I splurged and bought 1 of each because I had heard as wheat free goes, they are the best there is. The reports I heard were true. The products smelled and tasted great.
So, we had a first in 5 years...we had sandwiches for dinner. I know, most people would think sandwiches for dinner? No big deal we do this often. Not us. Caleb is allergic to wheat, so bread has always been out for him. It is exciting to find a good alternative for him. He was beaming that he got to have a sandwich just like everyone else. He also at the bag of 4 bagels in 3 days. I wish the products were cheaper...$5 for 4 bagels or hamburger buns is pricey, but lately Caleb really wants to be able to eat what exactly what we eat. He has even told me quite a few times in the past month, "Don't get that it has wheat in it." So, I was thrilled to be able to serve us all sandwiches for dinner last week and hamburgers with buns!

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