Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Halloween finally arrived. The kids were so excited about it. When I picked them up at Michelle's house we decided to let them trick or treat for a bit around her neighborhood. The kids literally ran from house to house. It was so cute! They had a blast and made it around a few blocks.

We then went to Chris' house. The kids were supposed to go trick-or-treating with their cousin Rachael. I have decided that Halloween and Rachael just don't mix. She was sick with an awful cold today. Last year she had stitches from an accident at outdoor ed, and the year before she had strep throat. That is craziness!
Kendall was hilarious. She was sleepy and would have preferred staying with Rachael. But, Rach asked her to get some candy, so Kendall complied. Kendall did a great job for about 15 minutes. She then declared her candy bucket to heavy. She convinced her Aunt Chris to carry her the remainder of the time. She also was able to get Caleb to take her bucket to each house and get candy for her.

Caleb was also funny. Dorothy taught him how to say trick or treat in sign language. So, that is what he did. He then had to explain to each person what he was doing and explain why he had to buckets for candy.

I finally got pictures of the kids with their jack-o-lanterns. Now it is time for bed!

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