Monday, July 25, 2011

2 Toots Cafe

A few days ago my mom and I took the kids on a fun train ride to Glen Ellyn. Caleb and Kendall have only been on a train once before and they were very excited. They were also in a great mood. I couldn't believe the cute pictures I got of them!
Kendall had to have a window seat. On the way there we sat on the bottom level on the train. On the way home the kids had to give the top level a try.
Caleb and Kendall loved watching out the window during the trip. They thought it was great when freight trains went by. They also enjoyed the conductor and the tickets. I would assume it reminded them of The Polar Express, even though it was a very hot summer day!
2 Toots Cafe was very cute. There was an electric train that ran through the entire restaurant. Every table sat next to the train, and the food was delivered via train. VERY cute! Now, the food was barely okay. There were not a lot of options on the menu, and taste wise, it was okay, not great. But, the kids loved it! They thought the train delivering the food was a fantastic idea. Kendall even noticed that there were people in the train. Caleb thought it was better than McDonalds. That is amazing! I am not sure if we will go again, but it was a fun summer outing.

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