Monday, July 25, 2011

Brookfield Zoo

We decided to go out to the zoo one last time before our membership expires. I invited Michelle and her kids along. I was able to get us all in for free, which was awesome! The kids had such a fun time! We did so much walking and saw most of the animals. A great highlight was Stingray Bay. Caleb, Christopher, and I got to touch stingrays. Kendall totally freaked out and wanted nothing to do with them. It was pretty funny actually. The twins were amazing. They hung out in their stroller most of the day. My kids would have never done that! The kids were awesome. We really had no problems with them at all.
On our way out we bought some animal cookies. They were delicious! If you haven't tried Wildlife Animal Cookies you really should. They are sold at many zoos, aquariums, and even some museums. Caleb was sad that he couldn't eat them, but was happy when I whipped out a rice crispy treat. Both Caleb and Kendall fell asleep on the car ride home. Michelle's kids all stayed awake. I am very fortunate to have two nappers!

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